
金融援助 常见问题

金融援助: You've Got Questions, We've Got Answers

在支付立博在线体育的学费时,你和你的家人并不孤单. 立博在线体育致力于帮助您确定正确的资源组合,使您的教育成为可能. 立博在线体育也会在这里帮助和建议你的每一步——这意味着提供必要的信息,以确保你理解并对你的经济援助决定充满信心.

What are the different types of financial aid?


  • 奖学金 are financial aid you do not need to pay back. 奖学金通常是基于你的成绩而不是你的经济需要. They can be awarded by the college or a private organization.
  • 奖助金 are also financial aid you do not need to pay back. You receive grants from the federal or state government. North Central also offers grants to students. You typically have to have a financial need to qualify.


  • 联邦勤工俭学计划 是否有联邦计划资助有经济需要的本科生兼职工作. Once offered, you’ll need to find an eligible work-study job on or campus. 报酬将以工作时间为基础,并以薪水的形式发给你.
  • 联邦学生贷款 are fixed-interest-rate loans from the federal government. 本科 students can borrow direct subsidized or unsubsidized loans. 研究生可以直接申请无补贴贷款或直接申请研究生PLUS贷款. 父母 can borrow direct Parent PLUS loans for their dependent student. 毕业生和家长PLUS贷款都需要信用检查非不良信用记录.
  • 私人学生贷款 are fixed or variable-rate loans from a lending institution. You typically need a good credit score or a co-signer who has good credit. Your rate will vary depending on your or your co-signer’s credit.


FAFSA代表 免费申请联邦学生资助. FAFSA是一项联邦申请,用于确定联邦政府的资格, state and institutional need-based aid programs. 这是立博在线体育唯一需要的经济援助申请.

Do I need to be admitted before I can apply for financial aid?

No, 你可以在你打算入学的学年的10月1日之后的任何时间申请经济援助. 然而,要真正获得资金,你必须被立博在线体育录取并注册. Note: The 2024-25 FAFSA will become available in 12月 2023.

我可能没有资格获得援助. 我应该申请FAFSA吗?

Yes, especially if you have never filed a 免费申请联邦学生资助 (FAFSA). 许多家庭错误地认为他们没有资格获得援助,并通过不申请而阻止自己获得经济援助. FAFSA表格是免费的!


  • 10月1日AcademicWorks scholarship portal opens for the upcoming school year.
  • 12月: FAFSA becomes available for the upcoming school year. 立博在线体育建议您尽快提交FAFSA表格,以确保您符合所有截止日期.
  • 2月: Priority deadline to be considered for earliest aid offering

When filing the FAFSA, it mentioned "SAI.“那是什么?”?

索引号, 在处理FAFSA时计算, is used to determine a student’s eligibility for federal, state and institutional need-based financial aid programs.  


一定比例的FAFSA申请被选中进行一个称为验证的过程, 联邦政府在哪里要求学校确认申请中包含的数据. 为了完成这个过程, 申请人和/或其家庭将收到财务援助办公室的通知,详细说明所需的其他信息.

我收到了一封来自财政援助办公室的信,要求我提交缺失的信息. Where can I find the required institutional forms?

各种制度形式, along with instructions on how to request an IRS Tax Return Transcript, 可以在立博在线体育的 资助表格 页面. Please also view the 金融援助 Checklist on 梅林 关于个人要求以及如何直接向立博在线体育办公室提交文件.

How and when will I receive my financial aid offer notification?

  • 新生须知, 一旦收到你的FAFSA,经济援助offer就会通过邮件发送, 收到所有证明文件, 你被中北录取了. 立博在线体育通常在12月开始处理奖项,并持续整个录取周期. Note: For the Fall 2024 incoming undergraduate class, the process is delayed due to the FAFSA not being released until 12月.
  • For continuing students, financial aid offers become available on 梅林 在四月为下一学年上课. 当经济援助可以在梅林查看时,财政援助办公室将给继续学习的学生发电子邮件.


经济援助offer可以在 梅林 through the 金融援助 Checklist for all students. 

    Do you match scholarships offered by other institutions?

    We do not match scholarship awards from other institutions. We are happy to discuss your situation and work through your concerns. 如果你想让立博在线体育审核你的录取通知书,请联系你的入学顾问.

    What is the difference between subsidized and unsubsidized direct loans?

    • 补贴贷款是按需发放的. You must show financial need to be eligible. 联邦政府在你上学期间和宽限期内支付利息.
    • 无补贴贷款不是基于需求的. 你要对贷款的所有利息负责,这些利息从支付时开始累积. If you choose to defer paying on the interest until you begin repayment, the interest will capitalize (add to the principal of the loan).

    What do I do after accepting a federal direct loan?


    每学期, 学院的学生会计办公室会提供一份学费报表,详细说明你的助学金分配情况. 奖学金的一半, with the exception of Federal Work Study, will appear as a credit on this statement. Outside scholarships will not credit until funds have been received, 联邦勤工俭学是通过在校园里工作获得的,而不是直接用于你的账单.

    What are the credit hour requirements for my financial aid offer?

    • 大多数经济援助都是基于整个学年的全日制注册(每学期至少12个学分),除非奖励通知书上另有说明.
    • 如果学生注册的时间少于至少12个学分,基于全日制入学的经济援助必须修改或取消. We encourage you to meet with our office before dropping below full-time.
    • 大多数联邦援助金额是基于你在支付时的注册情况.
    • Veteran’s benefits vary by eligibility as determined by the Veteran’s Administration and the number of enrolled credit hours; a reduction in a student's course load during the semester may result in a reduction of benefits for that semester.
    • 如果你有资格 Illinois Student Assistance Commission Monetary Award Program, please contact our office before changing your enrollment. 为了获得最高的MAP奖励,你必须每学期注册15个学分.

    Will my amount of financial assistance be the same each year?

    • 如果你保持必要的累积GPA,并且根据你被学院录取时收到的指导方针续期,那么优秀奖学金仍然是一样的.
    • Departmental scholarships (music, art, etc.) depend on your participation and departmental funding availability.
    • 按需资助(中北书院资助), 联邦补充补助金, 佩尔助学金, ISAC MAP) assistance depends on your need and federal and state funding. 如果联邦和州的资助和资格标准没有改变,如果你的FAFSA数据没有改变,你可以期望获得相同水平的资助.

    When will I have to pay back my student loans?

    • 你不负责你的联邦贷款的本金数额,当你至少是一个半日制学生. Once your enrollment drops below half time, you begin your grace period. The Federal Direct Loan grace period is 6 months before repayment begins.
    • Contact your lender for repayment options. 你可以通过访问学生援助的“贷款明细”部分找到你的贷款人.政府指示板.


    We understand this process can feel overwhelming- we are here to help. New students will be hearing from their admission counselor, 然而, 立博在线体育鼓励所有学生联系财政援助办公室有任何问题.

    财政援助办公室位于Old Main的三楼,在学院开放时,8:00am-4:30pm开放. 您也可以通过630-637-5600或finaid@noctrl与财务援助团队联系.edu.

